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St Luke's National School, Montenotte, Cork

News - 3rd and 4th Class

2023/2024 School Year

15th Nov 2023
The students from 1st to 6th class enjoyed a morning of music at the City Hall.  We...
15th Nov 2023
Our classroom was filled with so much fun and excitement today for our annual Science...
9th Nov 2023
Our Amber Flag Committee has met for the first time this academic year. They are...
27th Oct 2023
With Halloween coming, 3rd and 4th gathered recyclables in order to create Haunted...
27th Oct 2023
What a scarily 🎃👻BOO-TIFUL day at St Luke’s. The day was a huge success. A...
26th Oct 2023
Some comments from students discussing what we learned. “Factor multiplied...
24th Oct 2023
On Monday morning, we had the pleasure of welcoming Lord Mayor Kieran McCarthy to...
20th Oct 2023
As part of Maths Week, staff organised Maths Trails. There was great excitement in...
20th Oct 2023
We having been learning about the famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh and created our...