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St Luke's National School, Montenotte, Cork

News - 3rd and 4th Class

2023/2024 School Year

6th Oct 2023
Rev Meghan Farr visited us this morning and taught us all about the Biblical twins-...
6th Oct 2023
Space is becoming polluted with objects orbiting the Earth. Sometimes objects such...
29th Sep 2023
As part of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE), 3rd and 4th classes have...
29th Sep 2023
We have been working so hard at our maths this month. Our class answered 17,641 questions...
29th Sep 2023
During the month of September, 3rd and 4th classes learned about cubism. Here is...

2022/2023 School Year

18th Jul 2023
Great news from the doggy labour ward! Poor Fiji had great difficulty getting around...
14th Jun 2023
This balancing act took a lot of manoeuvres, collaboration  and team work! 
13th Jun 2023
We had a great day learning about animal conservation in Fota today.
2nd Jun 2023
Celebrating Crazy Hair Day, having fun while fund raising for Autism Assisted Dogs...
1st May 2023
Third and Fourth Class created their own books which were beautifully illustrated...