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St Luke's National School, Montenotte, Cork

St Luke's National School Montenotte Parent's Association

18th Apr 2023

The St Luke’s National School’s Parents’ Association is a collaborative group of parents and guardians who work towards providing the best possible education and wellbeing for their children within the school community. They aim to promote the interests and needs of the pupils in partnership with the board of management, the principal, and teachers. 

To support their mission, the PA organizes various fundraising events that require parental assistance in terms of planning and logistics. These events contribute significantly to the social life of the school and help purchase items such as classroom equipment and teaching resources. Additionally, the PA arranges fun events both in and out of school for pupils and their families. 

The PA also supports extracurricular activities such as swimming, soccer, tag rugby, and St Luke’s participation in the ISSA Interschools tournament. We encourage parents to consider joining the PA or volunteering as sports/extra-curricular representatives. 
The Parents’ Association Committee for 2022/2023 is listed below. The PTA is made up of a core committee and a class representative for each class in the school.  

Core PA Committee 22/23
Chairperson: Sarah O’Donovan 
Co-Chair: Hazel Busteed 
Treasurers: Maeve McGarry & Ann Lawton 
Secretary: Shirley Isherwood 
Co-Secretary: Sara O’Mahony  
Ex-Officio Parents Reps on Board of Management: Kevin O’Rourke & Jacinta Jordan 

Class Reps 2022/23 
Junior Infants:Caterina Totaro & Maria Hinchion 
Senior Infants: Sheena Minihane 
First Class: Gemma Hayes 
Second Class: Aisling Curley 
Third Class: Jenna Russell 
Fourth Class: Fi O’ Meara 
Fifth Class: Kevin O’Rourke 
Sixth Class: Peta Joyce 

The PA's responsibilities include representing the views of the parents, organising fundraising and social events, informing parents of the developments in Irish education and school management, fostering co-operation between parents, teachers, and management, providing education for parents as required, and helping with the provision of extra equipment and teaching aids. 

There is a positive and productive working relationship between the PA and the teaching staff at St Luke’s. The PA aims to provide opportunities for parents to meet and exchange ideas while fostering an inclusive school community. Meetings are held regularly, and everyone is welcome to attend. The PA welcomes involvement from all parents, whether they are a member or not. We believe that everyone can contribute to creating a positive experience for pupils and parents alike at St Luke’s.